
UFOs are quite extraordinary. In reports, people say that UFOs are shaped like discs and rumored to carry aliens. They are known as OVNI in Spanish, French and Portuguese. People claim that they came from outer space and carry beings of extraterrestrial origin. Our proof is good, but there are some flaws. The reports may be phony, and some of the pictures are just illogical. The first sightings were in 467 B.C. when Chinese Astronomers first saw UFOs. Although, some UFO sightings have been pure natural phenomenon. An example would be Haley’s Comet first discovered by Chinese astronomers in 240 B.C.


 One of the clearest descriptions of UFOs was by a man named Shen Kuo (1031-1095) in his book the Dream Pool Essays. UFOs have been spotted around the world at all times. In 1947, the FBI and the AAF began an investigation to search for UFOs. It was one


 People believe in UFOs because of sightings by pilots in World War II.  UFOs have changed people’s lives. They have created an entire nation of UFO believers.


I believe that the government can do aerial scans and checks to identify whether UFOs are real or not. There were many astronomers who believed in UFOs. These groups of scientists and astronomers created projects to search for UFOs. One of the astronomers was Allen Hynek. He participated in a project called Project Bluebook. They say that they were not successful, but I think that UFOs are still out there. UFOs are extraordinary phenomenon which some people believe do not exist, but I do